04 Jul 2024 - 05 Jul 2024  |  Safua Akeli Amaama, Annika Sung et al.

Shared histories, connected futures

Goethe-Institut & Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa, Wellington

The island nation of Sāmoa is rich in natural resources and cultural heritage, but it also has a turbulent history of colonisation and occupation by foreign powers, primarily New Zealand and Germany. Following the Tripartite Convention in 1899, Sāmoa first became a German protectorate. The German administration, though making German an official language and introducing other European systems, sought to retain Sāmoan customs. At the start of World War One in 1914, New Zealand seized Sāmoa from Germany and governed it until its independence in 1962. During this time further regulations were imposed on Sāmoans, resulting in growing tensions and – at times violent – conflicts. These shared histories have had lasting effects on the relations between the three countries.

This symposium presents current and recent research projects that examine these interconnected relations through various platforms, including museum collections and exhibitions, university research, and the arts. While a lot of this research is focused on the past, we also seek to explore what the future could look like for these relationships.


Ulu Afaese

Safua Akeli Amaama

Charlie Klinge

Courtney Powell 

Taputukura Raea

Sharon Rosita Roma

Annika Sung

Leafa Wilson / Olga Krause

Christine Winter

For more information, download the symposium program and visit the museum website.