
21 Oct 2020  |  Philipp Schorch

Un-/Re-doing museums beyond critique

Advocacy, Indigeneity and Religion (University of Edinburgh)

Panel discussion (online)

10 Sep 2020  |  Philipp Schorch

What next to DO with this heritage?

Material Culture in Transit (University of Bern, Centre for Global Studies, in co-operation with Bernisches Historisches Museum)

Conference talk (online)

31 Jul 2020 - 29 Jul 2022  |  Ira Eue et al.

Vernetzt, verstrickt, verwoben: Anziehendes aus dem südlichen Abya Yala

Museum Fünf Kontinente in co-operation with LMU Munich

Student exhibition 

02 Jun 2020  |  Manuel May Castillo

Indigenous heritage practice: Contentious uses of the past, and local Indigenous communities’ responses

Past Worlds across Time and Space: Grasping the Transcendence of Cultural Heritage and Communication (University of Bonn)

Conference talk (online)

28 May 2020  |  Manuel May Castillo

Mayan heritage and land preservation

Race, Activism and Space in Latin American Theory and Practice (University of London, Institute of Latin American Studies)

Conference talk (online)